turn-A-leaf Thrift Store Backyard Birding Challenge
Hey kids, we have a fun outdoor activity for you this summer! Our turn-A-leaf Thrift Store Backyard Birding Challenge. Kids, come into turn-A-leaf Thrift store (In-Person) to sign-up for the challenge to receive a Goody Bag that has a Birding Journal, a pair of “pretend” binoculars inside. (Limit 1 per in-person child)
The activity journal has photos, identification information, and coloring pages of 12 Alaska backyard birds. Kids ages 6-12 years of age will look for and find at least 7 of 12 birds to check off when they see them. Each child will be given a personalized Certificate of Achievement and Backyard Birding Challenge pin on completion.
But wait, there’s more!
Kids who sign-up will also be given a Raffle Ticket to enter to win National Geographic’s Bird Guide of North America book, and a National Geographic’s Backyard Safari Kit which includes a safari vest, hat, kids binoculars, magnifying glass, field guide and stickers) and National Geographic Bird Guide of North America. We’ll draw the winners name on the 15th and announce it in-store and on our turn-A-leaf Thrift Store’s Facebook page.
Starts June 6 and ends on August 14, 2022
turn-A-leaf Thrift Store Backyard Bir...