GWCC Holiday Gathering
Join us for lunch at Evangelo's Restaurant on December 20th for a "brown bag bottle exchange", "Home for the Holidays" Raffle drawing and a great time with your fellow Chamber Members!
Brown Bag Bottle Exchange:
Bring a bottle (alcoholic or non-alcoholic!) in a brown paper bag. Bottles will be marked simply A or NA (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and participants will draw a number, and pick from the table in the order drawn. There will also be wildcards that will allow people to "steal" a bottle from someone who has already selected. (alcohol may not be consumed in the restaurant or on the property)

Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM AKST
December 20th 2022
11:30AM to 1 pm.
If you would like to participate in the bottle exchange, please arrive by 11:45
Evangelo's Restaurant
2530 E Parks Hwy.
Wasilla, AK 99654
Contact Information
Contact Chamber Staff with Questions: 907-376-1299
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